Fiction MFA Student’s Manuscript Acquired by Simon & Schuster

If you’re interested in a graduate degree in fiction writing, Emerson’s Creative Writing MFA may be for you. Today we’re interviewing Natalie Lemle ‘24, a current student studying fiction. She’ll share the story of how she came to attend graduate … Continued

Poetry MFA Student Celebrates Upcoming Chapbook

If you’re interested in going to graduate school for poetry, Emerson’s Creative Writing MFA may be the program for you. Today we’re interviewing Creative Writing grad student Katie Mihalek ‘24. She’ll share what led her to graduate school, her experience … Continued

Page Turner Magazine: A Space for Genre Writers to Flourish

While academics make up a large part of graduate school, extracurriculars are vital to a well-rounded graduate experience. Student organizations are a great way for graduate students to network, gain professional experience, and build a community among their peers. In … Continued

Everything You Need to Know about Our Theatre Education & Applied Theatre Programs

Located in the heart of Boston’s theatre district, Emerson College is a special place to study theatre education. If you’re interested in applying to one of Emerson’s Theatre Education & Applied Theatre programs but want more information, this blog is … Continued

Most Frequently Asked Questions about our Marketing, Business, and Leadership Communication Programs

If you’re looking for a graduate program that focuses on marketing, business, or leadership development, you know that there are a myriad of options around the US. In today’s blog, we meet with Charlotte Coberley and Julie Scheinthal, two of … Continued

Why I Pursued a Popular Fiction MFA instead of an MS in Psychology

If you’re looking for a career in writing or publishing with a focus on genre fiction, Emerson’s Popular Fiction Writing and Publishing MFA may be for you. Today we’re interviewing Savannah Montoya, a current student in the program. She’ll share … Continued