Most Commonly Asked Questions About Our Media Design and Journalism Programs

Emerson College is the nation’s premier school of communication and the arts. Our Media Design (MA) and Journalism and Media Innovation (MA) programs combine creativity with media and communication. To bring you the inside scoop on our Media Design and … Continued

9 Summer Reads by Emerson Alumni

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Looking for a summer read? Today we’re bringing you some must-reads by Emerson alumni! Whether you’re looking for humor, mystery, or a heartwarming story of friendship, we’ve got you covered. Pick up one of these summer reads to see the … Continued

Journalism Student Shares the Value of a Journalism Masters Program

If you are researching Journalism masters programs, you’ve probably started looking into course offerings, school locations, and tuition. If all of the technical details about graduate school are making your head swim, you’ve come to the right spot. Today we … Continued

Five Careers for Writing & Publishing Grad Students

Grad school is a major investment in your future career and it’s much more specialized than your focus of study in undergrad, so it’s always a good idea to make sure your grad school plans align with your end-game career … Continued