Self-Assessment Rubric Flowchart 1

The flow chart represents a series of steps that repeat in a circular pattern:

  1. Instructor distributes assignment
  2. Student research & drafting
  3. Student completes rubric
  4. Assignment submitted
  5. Instructor completes rubric
  6. Student receives feedback
  7. Assignment revision
  8. Process repeats

Self-Assessment Rubric Flowchart 2

The flow chart represents a series of steps where students complete the self-assessment rubric after a first draft is completed. Path is as follows:

  1. Instructor distributes assignment
  2. Student research & drafting
  3. First draft completed
  4. Student completes rubric and Instructor (or peer) completes rubric
  5. Student receives feedback
  6. Student revises work
  7. Assignment submitted
  8. Instructor completes rubric
  9. Student receives feedback
  10. Assignment revision
  11. Process repeats