Boston Pride: Celebrating at Emerson and Beyond

June is LGBTQ+ Pride month, and every year, festivities are held around the world. For graduate students at Emerson, there is no shortage of Pride events around the city of Boston. Emerson has long held a spot in the Princeton … Continued

4 Fun Boston Beaches to Explore this Summer

August is National Beach Month, so today we’re going to highlight some of our favorite Boston beaches! Located in the heart of downtown, Emerson is just a short train ride or drive away from these beautiful beaches.  1. Constitution Beach … Continued

Best Boston Parks for Parks and Recreation Month

July is National Parks and Recreation Month! Located in the heart of Boston, Emerson is walking distance from many great parks and outdoor activities. Today we’re highlighting some of our favorite Boston parks and summer programs! The Boston Common and … Continued

Boston Transportation: Easy Ways to Get Around a Great City

If you’re considering graduate school in Boston, you might be nervous about transportation. Should you bring a car? How does public transportation work, and is it accessible? Can you get places on foot? In today’s post, we’re going to talk … Continued

A Guide to Student Deals in Boston

Attending graduate school at Emerson is full of perks, from a high-quality arts and communication education, to opportunities for networking and industry experience, to a vibrant location in the heart of downtown Boston! But that’s just the tip of the … Continued