Enhance Your Grad School Experience with Internships & Professional Experience

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One of the most exciting things about grad school is the customizability of your experience. Even within a single program, there are endless options for you to pursue exactly the niche you’re looking for. Whatever your post-graduation goals might be, … Continued

Emersonians Present Thesis Research at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention

American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention (ASHA)   Every year, the national American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) hosts its annual convention that attracts hundreds of thousands of speech-language pathologists and audiologists from the United States and abroad. The convention upheld it’s … Continued

Why Emerson is the right choice for Graduate School

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Interested in attending graduate school at Emerson College, but still not sure if it’s the right school for you? Let us explain why Emerson College is the right choice for Graduate School. Emerson is a melting pot of international and … Continued

Q&A with a Writing for Film & Television MFA Student

From her first day of grad school to her very last assignment, ’20 Writing for Film and Television MFA graduate and Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions, Haley Bresnahan, has successfully completed Emerson’s rigorous low-residency program. She’s given us the inside … Continued

Film and Media Art Thesis: Two Emersonians Proudly Share Their Thesis Projects

Emerson’s MFA in Film and Media Art program gives students the opportunity to develop their creative skill sets. Students work with image and sound on traditional and emergent media forms. The program culminates with a thesis project. Students explore their … Continued

Q&A with a Publishing & Writing MA Student

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Whether you want to shape the prose of fresh voices as an editor, represent writers as a literary agent, or work with exciting online publications and new media formats, Emerson’s prestigious Publishing and Writing MA will help you succeed in this ever-vital, … Continued

10 Highlights from a Communication Disorders Student

When the university announced a transition to online classes, I was struck with overwhelming sadness for myself, my peers, my faculty, and for what the new normal would become. While this is not the way anyone in my program envisioned … Continued

What to know about grad school

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You’ve finally arrived! All of your hard work, dedication, sweat, and tears have paid off – congratulations on making it to graduate school. Seeking higher education is such an accomplishment, but adjusting to the immense pressures of grad life can … Continued