Why I Pursued a Popular Fiction MFA instead of an MS in Psychology

If you’re looking for a career in writing or publishing with a focus on genre fiction, Emerson’s Popular Fiction Writing and Publishing MFA may be for you. Today we’re interviewing Savannah Montoya, a current student in the program. She’ll share … Continued

Answers to Your Questions About Emerson’s Writing and Publishing Graduate Programs

If you’ve been looking for the perfect graduate program in writing or publishing, Emerson could be the place for you. Today we’re interviewing Muzhgan Mia Bekdas, an admissions counselor for our three writing and publishing graduate programs. We’ll hear about … Continued

9 Summer Reads by Emerson Alumni

posted in: Alumni, Project Spotlight | 1

Looking for a summer read? Today we’re bringing you some must-reads by Emerson alumni! Whether you’re looking for humor, mystery, or a heartwarming story of friendship, we’ve got you covered. Pick up one of these summer reads to see the … Continued

Day in the Life of a Creative Writing MFA Student

If you’re considering grad school, you’ve likely asked yourself a dozen questions before even deciding whether or not to apply. And yet, even after narrowing down where you want to go and study, applying, and being accepted (congrats!), you probably … Continued

Staying Energized & Organized as a Creative

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Pursuing a graduate degree in the creative arts can present a unique set of challenges. While the stakes may feel a bit lower by comparison to more traditional fields, it can still be difficult to generate creative work under the … Continued

Why Emerson is the right choice for Graduate School

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Interested in attending graduate school at Emerson College, but still not sure if it’s the right school for you? Let us explain why Emerson College is the right choice for Graduate School. Emerson is a melting pot of international and … Continued

Poetry Student Project Spotlight: Duende and the Choreopoem

Porsha Olayiwola is the 2014 Individual World Poetry Slam Champion and 2015 National Poetry Slam Champion. Black, poet, queer-dyke, hip-hop feminist, womanist: Porsha is a native of Chicago who now resides in Boston where she organizes, writes, and teaches. Porsha … Continued

Project Spotlight: Book Design

How do you go from crying tears over InDesign during your first week of class to voluntarily redesigning your book over Christmas break? Last semester I took Lisa Diercks’s Intro to Book Design class, and had two goals: Get through … Continued