What Students Say In Their Course Evaluations About Canvas

Every semester students are asked to complete course evaluations. ITG asked the Office of Institutional Research about trends in what students say about Canvas. They anonymized the data and shared general themes with us. Here’s what students were saying about Canvas use in Spring 2024

When asked what aspects of their course students found most beneficial, many students stated that a well organized Canvas page was helpful. They also appreciated having course content uploaded and shared in Canvas. Some students felt that a disorganized Canvas course reflected general disorganization in their class. 

When asked whether they have suggestions for improving the course, many answered that they wish faculty used Canvas more consistently with each other. They expressed frustration when dates and deadlines for assignments in Canvas didn’t match the dates in their syllabi, or weren’t listed altogether. Other students also commented on instances in which the information listed in Canvas was incorrect, outdated, or inconsistent with what faculty communicated in class. These are also the frustrations that the Writing and Academic Resource Center hears from students (Tidying Up Canvas).

Some students wished their instructors uploaded more slides, videos, and other educational materials to Canvas for easier reference after class, or for those who missed class.  

Some comments were about the Gradebook. Students favored classes in which grades were updated regularly in Canvas so that they knew what final grade they were likely to get.  

It is sometimes difficult to take in feedback from students that feels less than gracious. My advice to faculty who are starting to build a new course in Canvas is always to start small with what you know you can keep organized and updated regularly. While it would be very nice to have all your readings, lectures, assignments and discussions online, unless your course is taught online, you can start with the assignments that make up the final grade, then maybe in the following semester add all your lecture slides and continue building. It’s always a process. 

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