Where to Live in Boston: East Boston

If you’re considering graduate school in Boston, you might be wondering where you’ll live. Not to worry! Boston has plenty of neighborhoods with apartment options and easy transportation downtown. Today we want to highlight East Boston, known to locals as … Continued

3 Unique Grad Student Organizations at Emerson

posted in: Why Emerson? | 6

Grad school is more than the classes offered. When you’re making the big decision where to attend graduate school, you also consider things like student organizations, research opportunities, and campus atmosphere. One of the great things about Emerson is our … Continued

Day in the Life of a Writing for Film and Television Grad Student

This week we are highlighting one of our grad students in Emerson’s Writing for Film and Television program. Noelle Haynes is in her second year of the program and currently lives in Youngstown, Ohio.  Why did you choose Writing for … Continued

Native American Heritage Month at Emerson

posted in: Events, Why Emerson? | 0

November is National Native American Heritage Month. Located in the heart of Boston, Emerson students, staff, and faculty are in a unique position to acknowledge and support Indigenous communities and follow through on our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Students … Continued