5 Tips for Applying to Graduate School

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It’s time. You’re ready to take the plunge and apply to graduate school. Now you just need to know where to start. Here are some tips for applying to graduate school that we hope will tip the balance in your … Continued

Staying Energized & Organized as a Creative

posted in: Tips and FAQs | 0

Pursuing a graduate degree in the creative arts can present a unique set of challenges. While the stakes may feel a bit lower by comparison to more traditional fields, it can still be difficult to generate creative work under the … Continued

Grad School During A Pandemic: How Students Navigate Online Learning

posted in: Tips and FAQs | 0

The past year has been nerve-wracking as our campus family has been embracing lion pride from afar. Despite the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to connect, collaborate, and generate ideas to fulfill our call to action in … Continued