Day in the Life of a Creative Writing MFA Student

If you’re considering grad school, you’ve likely asked yourself a dozen questions before even deciding whether or not to apply. And yet, even after narrowing down where you want to go and study, applying, and being accepted (congrats!), you probably … Continued

Staying Energized & Organized as a Creative

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Pursuing a graduate degree in the creative arts can present a unique set of challenges. While the stakes may feel a bit lower by comparison to more traditional fields, it can still be difficult to generate creative work under the … Continued

Moving to Boston: A Grad Student’s Guide to Renting in Boston

Moving, whether it’s across the country or just a few minutes away, can be a really daunting process. Throw in the added factor of starting your graduate degree, and it can quickly become overwhelming. Luckily, those of us who have … Continued

Five Careers for Writing & Publishing Grad Students

Grad school is a major investment in your future career and it’s much more specialized than your focus of study in undergrad, so it’s always a good idea to make sure your grad school plans align with your end-game career … Continued

Meet Our Newest Grad Program: Business of Creative Enterprises, MA

As a college that values the power of creative communication, Emerson is always looking for new ways to prepare students for a career in the arts. Now, even those interested in the business side of their creative field can pursue … Continued

Enhance Your Grad School Experience with Internships & Professional Experience

posted in: Internships, Why Emerson? | 1

One of the most exciting things about grad school is the customizability of your experience. Even within a single program, there are endless options for you to pursue exactly the niche you’re looking for. Whatever your post-graduation goals might be, … Continued