3 Unique Grad Student Organizations at Emerson

posted in: Why Emerson? | 6

Grad school is more than the classes offered. When you’re making the big decision where to attend graduate school, you also consider things like student organizations, research opportunities, and campus atmosphere. One of the great things about Emerson is our … Continued

Native American Heritage Month at Emerson

posted in: Events, Why Emerson? | 0

November is National Native American Heritage Month. Located in the heart of Boston, Emerson students, staff, and faculty are in a unique position to acknowledge and support Indigenous communities and follow through on our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Students … Continued

Enhance Your Grad School Experience with Internships & Professional Experience

posted in: Internships, Why Emerson? | 1

One of the most exciting things about grad school is the customizability of your experience. Even within a single program, there are endless options for you to pursue exactly the niche you’re looking for. Whatever your post-graduation goals might be, … Continued

Why Emerson is the right choice for Graduate School

posted in: Why Emerson? | 0

Interested in attending graduate school at Emerson College, but still not sure if it’s the right school for you? Let us explain why Emerson College is the right choice for Graduate School. Emerson is a melting pot of international and … Continued