What’s New in ITG
ITG is gearing up for the start of a new school year, so here’s a roundup of new features in instructional technology at Emerson!
ITG is gearing up for the start of a new school year, so here’s a roundup of new features in instructional technology at Emerson!
Have you ever stumbled upon the HTML editor in the Canvas Rich Content Editor and wondered what it was? HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to make webpages. Using HTML in Canvas allows you to organize your content and customize the look of your course. Read on for some HTML ideas you can easily incorporate into your course!
In the latest round of updates to the Learning Online orientation course, we’ve added new resources from our partners at the Writing and Academic Resource Center (WARC) to the Netiquette…
Please join us in celebrating Daniela Kukrechtova (who worked on improving 2 courses!) and Richard Chetwynd, who completed Accessible Design in Fall 21. Some courses saw dramatic improvement in Ally…
At the conclusion of the Fall 2021 semester, we sat down with Diane Mermigas (Affiliated Faculty, Journalism Department) to discuss her transition back to teaching in-person, as well as just how transformative the pandemic has been for her courses and higher education on the whole.
Written by Liz Chase and Natalie Hebshie Your students see that they’ve been assigned a “reflection” as part of your class. This usually prompts a range of reactions from my…
Here’s a little-known Canvas feature: Shared Content. In fact, it’s so obscure that it didn’t make it onto ITG’s radar until recently. Ooh, shiny! But what exactly does it do?…
Last April, I co-wrote a blog post with Jodi Burrel titled Tidying Up Canvas to Help Students Stay Organized. It was a follow up to a workshop we developed together…
In the Spring of 2021, ITG teamed up with the WARC to give a workshop titled “Tidying Up Canvas to Help Students Stay Organized.” In this blog post, we’ll review our top tips for time management and organization in Canvas that we shared in that session, and our path for getting there.
Welcome to the new home of ITG’s Instructional Technology Blog! We’ll be posting advice, tips, and strategies for making the most of your digital tools. Check back often for ways to breathe new life into your Canvas courses, spice up your Zoom sessions, craft engaging Panopto videos, and more!